KELLY'S KORNER - thought provoking opinions and editorial commentary just to give you something to think about.
As the U.S. Government has opted to "shutdown," I, being the least politically savvy individual, possibly, on the planet, wanted to know exactly what that means for me ... and you. Here is the best explanation I've come across, via a news source called Quora:
The U.S. government shutdown is actually the shutting down of non-essential government 'services,' and not the government itself.
Since it's only non-essential services, it does not have a huge impact on most people, as the services suspended include national parks and the like. But, certain services which are more important, like passing of federal housing plans, also get hit.
The impact on me? If it's a short duration shutdown (3-4 days, which obviously have passed), it's nothing but a nice little (albeit unpaid) vacation for the non-essential government employees, and it hardly impacts the average American, let alone other nationalities.
However, since it is running longer, it means the same employees go without pay for longer, and negative economic sentiments start to prevail. It will cost at least a couple of billion dollars to the government (in-turn the taxpayers - you and I) and probably a lot more on the stock market.
All of that to tell you that we need it to get taken care of sooner rather than later. But, while we are thinking about "shutdowns" I have thought of a few areas that getting "shutdown" would certainly be a good thing ... follow along and see if you share my sentiments:
#1 - MILEY CYRUS - this kid is out of control, although I guess she is making loads of cash, so the government situation probably has her not concerned in the least. What bothers me is how "Hannah Montana" can grow up to be such a bratty acting "starlet" and someone those with little children should hide from those precious eyes. Miley - grow up and realize that your "act" won't last forever and the number of fans you will lose along the way will end up costing you in the long run.

#3 - "ME" ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD - I'm a huge sports fan, as most of you know, but I'm sick and tired of seeing the professional athletes (and college, too, these days) perform at a below-par level on the gridiron and still think it's all about "ME." They want to be revered for their exceptional athleticism and abilities, but somewhere along the way they have forgotten that those of us that pay to see them play would actually like them to show some modicum of being humble. That would sure go a long, long way in getting more of us to follow them on a regular basis.
FINALLY - #4 - DOUBTERS - we, at Lubbock Christian University, are constantly amazed at the opportunities that we have on this campus. We know that our LCU community is a blessed one and that God is watching out for us on a daily basis. We also know that we can always go to Him when there are issues, both on a personal and professional level, where prayer is our best outlet for guidance. How does this tie in to "shutdowns?" I firmly believe that it is incumbent upon us, as Christians, to help to "shutdown" the doubters that still exist in our world. We need to be a guiding light to help those that doubt the power of God and do our very, very best to make this world a place that is better to live in despite the trials and tribulations that we all face. "Doubters" exist in just about every phase of life that we are all exposed to and we should embolden ourselves to be the messengers for Him at every opportunity we are given.
In the profound words of one of my life heroes, Coach John Copeland ...
"Have a Day!"
"Have a Day!"
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